Groundsperson/Groom – Bury St Edmunds – REF 1226
Position Filled
Part Time Groundsperson with some horse experience required for farming family located between Bury St Edmunds and Thetford.
The ideal person will be able to manage the grounds around the house and farm, keeping the lawns cut using large ride on mower. Tractor driver essential to carry out paddock maintenance and large areas of grass care. Someone who can carry out hedge cutting, strimming, general yard tidying as well as making sure driveways and ditches are kept clear.
General assistance around the farm at times may be necessary
This could be a part time position, which will be approx 12-16 hours a week but for the right person a full time role could be made available.
Saturday mornings would be required.
The family have two retired horses who will occasionally require the groundsperson to bring them in from the field , check them over and make sure they have hay and water. Must be confident handling horses on the ground,
Good hourly rate offered.
A local person preferred with their own transport.
tel Jackie 07979 501997